The Edge…


Is this an article about U2’s guitar player you might ask? No, but we’re talking about vanishing edge pools here and that’s almost as exciting!

What it is exactly is an illusion. Stunning trickery. A pool with an edge that comes just up to the water level instead of above it, so that water flows over the edge. The water appears to have no boundaries as it flows or spills over the edge.

How does it work? A trough is installed below so the water overflows into that basin. From there the water is collected and pumped back into the main pool. For the best effect, the vanishing edge must be positioned so that you can’t see the catch pool from the prime viewing spots. The best site to build on is a gentle slope, however, it can also be installed on flat land or a steep slope with the right engineering.

You don’t have to travel to exotic resorts to enjoy these special pools and just because the first one was crafted in France for a fountain at the Palace of Versailles in the 1600s doesn’t mean you can’t have one in your very own backyard. Don’t follow the trend. Set it.

Learn more about fiberglass pool shell direct, diy inground fiberglass swimming pools, and rectangle fiberglass pool shells here at Calm Water Pools.

Photo: Viking