The meaning of the color blue…


What comes to mind when you see the color blue? Your subconscious knows. Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body, associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes: Wisdom. Loyalty. Confidence. Intelligence. Truth. Faith.

Pay close attention next time you’re in a blue room, or see something blue. The color has positive effects on the mind and body and in many cultures is significant in religious beliefs.

You might feel calm when you look at the color blue. It’s soothing and relaxing and known to be healing.

Of course, the most common association with blue is with both the sky and water and that’s why in feng shui it’s used for inspiration and relaxation and is the perfect color for the abundance and prosperity area of the home. It’s an excellent color for bathrooms because of those tranquil, healing properties, and the best color choice for a pool.

Because it’s associated with water, check out these blue options for our fiberglass pools. They’re sure to make you feel tranquil, soothed, healed.


Photos: Google

Blue, a color that often evokes a sense of serenity and profound depth, is not only the color of the sky and ocean but also a symbol of tranquility and inspiration. Variants like dark blue and Prussian blue convey a sense of strength and reliability, while lighter shades such as light blue and sky blue offer a calming effect, reducing heart rate and promoting relaxation. This color’s ability to stabilize the mind is why it is frequently used in environments meant to foster concentration and mental clarity. In many cultures, blue is imbued with spiritual significance, embodying wisdom, loyalty, and faith.

In terms of aesthetics and emotional impact, blue’s versatility allows it to be used in various mediums, from opaque blue glass to intricate lapis lazuli pigments, each shade of blue helps to convey a different atmosphere or mood. Blue dyes and pigments have been historically significant in art and decoration, valued for their vivid hues and durability. The color blue can symbolize a wide range of emotions and traits, including confidence, intelligence, and truth. It’s a favorite color for many due to its pervasive yet gentle presence in our daily lives—mirroring the essential elements of life like the air and water around us.