How to Address Common Fiberglass Pool Repairs


Owning a fiberglass pool is a joy for many homeowners, offering a durable and low-maintenance option for their backyard oasis. However, like any pool, it may require repairs from time to time. Understanding how to address common repairs ensures your pool remains in excellent condition for years of enjoyment. Here’s a beginner-friendly guide to tackling some typical fiberglass pool repairs.

1. Surface Scratches and Minor Cracks

  • Overview: Fiberglass pools are known for their resilience, but surface scratches or minor cracks can occur.
  • DIY Repair Tips: For superficial scratches, lightly sanding the area with fine-grit sandpaper and applying a matching gel coat can restore the surface. Minor cracks can be filled with a fiberglass repair kit, available at most pool supply stores. Follow the kit instructions closely for the best results.

2. Fading or Discolored Finish

  • Overview: Over time, the sun and pool chemicals can cause the fiberglass surface to fade or become discolored.
  • DIY Repair Tips: A thorough cleaning with pool-specific products can help restore some of the original colors. For more significant fading, applying a new coat of marine-grade paint designed for fiberglass pools can rejuvenate the appearance of your pool. Ensure the pool is dry and properly prepped before painting.

3. Leaks

  • Overview: Leaks in fiberglass pools can occur around fittings, plumbing, or through cracks in the shell.
  • DIY Repair Tips: Identifying the source of the leak is the first step. For leaks around fittings or accessories, check and tighten the connections or replace the seals. For a leak through a crack, drain the pool below the level of the leak, and use a fiberglass repair kit to seal it. Testing the repair with a hose before refilling the pool can save water and effort.

4. Bulges in the Pool Walls

  • Overview: Bulges can appear in the walls due to groundwater pressure or improper backfilling.
  • DIY Repair Tips: Addressing bulges often requires professional assistance, as it might involve draining the pool and correcting the backfill or drainage around the pool. For minor bulges, consulting with a professional can provide guidance on whether DIY repairs are advisable.

5. Spider Cracks

  • Overview: Spider cracks are fine, web-like cracks that can appear in the gel coat layer of the pool.
  • DIY Repair Tips: These are usually cosmetic and can be repaired with a gel coat repair kit. Clean the area thoroughly and apply the gel coat as directed for a smooth finish.


While fiberglass pools are among the most durable and low-maintenance options available, being prepared to handle common repairs can extend the life and beauty of your pool. Many minor repairs are well within the reach of a DIY fiberglass pool enthusiast, but always assess the extent of the damage and consider consulting a professional for complex issues. Proper care and timely repairs will ensure your fiberglass pool remains a cherished feature of your home for many years.