Tips on Keeping Your Pool Clean and Efficient During High-Use Months

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As the summer heat ramps up, so does the use of your swimming pool. Keeping your pool clean and efficient during these high-use months is crucial for both the enjoyment and safety of its users. From simple pool cleaning tips to maintaining chemical balance, this guide covers essential summer pool maintenance practices, focusing particularly on fiberglass pool care.

Learn more about swimming pools inground fiberglass, inground fiberglass swimming pool installation, and small fiberglass pool shell here at Calm Water Pools.

1. Regular Skimming and Scrubbing

To maintain a pristine condition, regular skimming of debris and scrubbing of the pool walls is essential. This routine helps prevent the accumulation of dirt and discourages algae prevention in pools. For fiberglass pools, using a soft brush is recommended to avoid damaging the surface.

2. Maintain Chemical Balance

The pool chemical balance is fundamental to pool health, affecting everything from water clarity to sanitation. Test and adjust your pool’s chlorine, pH, and alkalinity levels weekly to prevent the proliferation of bacteria and algae, especially during periods of heavy usage.

3. Optimize Your Filtration System

An efficient pool cleaning system relies heavily on its filtration. During the summer, consider increasing the running time of your pool filtration system to handle the higher load, ensuring that it efficiently clears out impurities.

4. Shock the Pool Regularly

Regularly shocking your pool is a key swimming pool sanitation method, temporarily boosting chlorine levels to kill off lingering bacteria and organic matter. Make sure the shock treatment is compatible with fiberglass pools to avoid surface damage.

5. Stay on Top of Water Levels

During active months, water levels can drop significantly due to evaporation and increased activity. It’s important to maintain proper water levels to prevent damage to your pool’s pump and ensure efficient operation.

6. Implement a Cleaning Schedule

Adopting a DIY pool maintenance schedule can significantly improve the cleanliness and efficiency of your pool. Regular upkeep, such as checking the chemical levels and cleaning the filters, helps keep the pool in top condition throughout the peak season.

7. Cover Your Pool When Not in Use

Utilizing a pool cover is an excellent way to reduce cleaning time and maintain pool upkeep during high use. Covers keep out unwanted debris, minimize evaporation, and help maintain the temperature and chemical balance of the water.

Following these tips will help ensure that your pool remains a clean, efficient, and enjoyable part of your home all summer long. Whether you’re dealing with a classic or contemporary fiberglass pool, regular maintenance is the key to lasting fun and function.