Fiberglass pools are so misunderstood!


Some people think Fiberglass pools pop out of the ground! The truth is all pools even concrete can do that if they’re not installed properly. It’s very rare, but the reason it can happen is from build-up of drainage water or seasonal high water table around a pool that is improperly installed. Most fiberglass pools have a cantilever concrete deck installed around the pool’s lip, to secure your pool from ground shifts. And since you never need to drain a fiberglass pool (remember improper maintenance is the second part of this equation), you ever have to worry about a “pop-up”!

Learn more about fiberglass one piece inground swimming pools, do it yourself fiberglass pool shell, and fiberglass pool shell colors here at Calm Water Pools.

People think fiberglass pools are difficult to maintain. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, you’ll spend less time and money maintaining a fiberglsss pool than any other kind of pool. Fiberglass pools are more durable and eco-friendly than its competition. The reason for this is because fiberglass in non-porous and smooth, unlike concrete, so algae can’t grow on its surface. That means less time scrubbing and messing with dangerous chemicals and more time enjoying your investment, more time swimming with friends and family. A fiberglass pool is actually less expensive in the long run with less headaches because it’s easier to maintain than its counterparts. Aside from maintaining your pool’s PH balance, which will still be less often than if you owned a concrete or vinyl pool.

Which brings us to cost because a lot of people think a fiberglass pool is the more expensive option. If you compare the initial purchase of a fiberglass pool to that of a vinyl pool, then yes, a fiberglass pool is more expensive. Compared to concrete? They are about the same cost. But over time a fiberglass pool is less expensive than those pools. How, you ask? Well, because of maintenance as we just discussed. A concrete pool needs more chemicals, requires regular cleaning, and needs to be resealed every 5 years. Vinyl pools also require more chemicals and the liner will need to be replaced every 7-10 years. In the long run, a fiberglass pool is not only less expensive, easier to maintain but it’s also more durable.

People often think you can’t customize a fiberglass pool– not true! Now it is true that fiberglass pools must come from a pre-existing mold, but nowadays, with over 100 shapes and designs to choose from, you can create a beautiful pool that is uniquely yours. Throw in some customizable options such as color, tile, cascades, bubblers, tanning ledges, and LED lighting, and your pool will not only be aesthetically pleasing but will also have a unique, custom-crafted look.