Top Ten Reasons Why You Should Swim


We all know just flailing around in the water feels good. But there are other reasons why you should take up swimming. Here’s our top ten list of why you should start swimming!

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1.Improves the immune system.

I knew it was good for you but I didn’t realize that swimming can boost your immune system. When cells in the body regularly get blood and oxygen, they function better, They also do their job more effectively like removing toxins and improves the lymphatic system which removes toxins from the body.

2. Improves mental health.

Physical activity has been proven to improve mood in children and adults and swimming is so relaxing it’s one of the top activities the medical profession recommend. It’s especially helpful for people who suffer from diseases like fibromyalgia, where swimming can help decrease stress and anxiety. It’s almost impossible to not relax while swimming at night under the stars.

3. Good for your joints.

If you’re recovering from an injury the goal is to build or rebuild strength. Swimming will fulfill that need and desire. It’s easy on the joints because there’s no pounding as in running or even walking if you have a knee or hip injury.

4. Great at any age.

You can’t name too many sports that you can do at any age, so you won’t need to worry about hitting an age where you’ll have to give it up. Just moving in the water is beneficial.

5. Cools you off.

Of course, swimming is refreshing. When temps get up there sometimes the only relief can be found in the water.

6. Cardio workout.

There’s much more breath control with swimming then let’s say– running, and that creates an increased demand for oxygen, making those muscles work harder, without feeling it. Swimming also strengthens the heart. Can’t argue with that!

7. Come as you are.

OK. Full disclosure. I threw this one in here just to see if you were paying attention. But, it is a good reason to swim. I suppose you can do yoga naked or walk naked around the house, but c’mon, it sure doesn’t feel as good. If you have your own private swimming pool just ditch the clothes.

8. It works your entire body.

Swimming targets everything from sculpting your back to toning your arms. No heavy equipment or weights are necessary. Jump in the pool and tone your whole body in just a few laps.

9. Improves posture.

Sit up straight! That’s what my mother always used to say. Working the body musculature which gets engaged while you swim is a sure way to gain balance and improve posture.

10. Helps you lost weight.

Swimming is one of the easiest and best ways to burn calories. Just one hour of swimming burns about 500 calories. You could burn calories just walking in the pool!

 Photo: Google images