
Fiberglass Pools Frequently Asked Questions

Expert Answers & Advice

Welcome to the comprehensive FAQ section for Fiberglass Pools, brought to you by Calm Water Pools. Here, we’ve compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions we receive about fiberglass swimming pools, aimed at providing you with detailed, insightful answers and professional advice. Whether you’re considering the installation of a new pool, curious about maintenance, or have specific concerns, our goal is to assist and enlighten you. Our team of swimming pool professionals is passionate about helping you make informed decisions, ensuring your pool experience is as seamless and enjoyable as possible. If your question isn’t covered below, don’t hesitate to reach out – we’re here to support your pool journey every step of the way. If you have any other questions about swimming pools, feel free to reach out to our swimming pool professionals. We love helping you.

How easy is it to customize a pool?

A:  Very easy, our pools come in a variety of styles and colors that can fit your exact specifications.

Do you offer financing?

A:  Yes,  we currently offer financing through Click here for Pool Financing Information.

What do you offer other than traditional Pools?

A:  We offer spas as well as pools. Additionally we have products to support your pool installation.

Can you remove my old pool before installing yours?

A:  Yes,  as a matter of fact view our pool videos to see how we remove an old pool in preparation for a new one.