Before swimming protect your hair!







We’re in full swing of summer and we’ve been hitting the beach, pool, or local watering hole for fun and to get away from the heat.

Have you been protecting your hair? Women and men alike need to pay attention to their locks. Brittle ends, frizziness, or uneven color after dunking in chlorinated or salt water is a result of not protecting your hair.

We’ve put together a list to assist in protecting before and tomorrow we’ll have another article about how to protect after swimming.

#1 Braid it

If you don’t want a tangled mess braid your hair…but not too tight because that will have a counter-effect. If you are going to sunbathe, wear a hat and use a product with SPF.

Tip #2 Rinse it

A sure-bet way to fight damage is to prevent it. Your hair will soak chlorinated water and get brittle. Prevent and protect it by rinsing your hair before swimming with non-chlorinated fresh water. It’ll create a protective layer and prevent hair from soaking up every single chemical in the pool.

Tip #3 Oil it

Use olive oil or coconut oil. Apply a small amount of oil to your strands before swimming in a chlorinated pool or ocean, and you’ll provide your locks with a protective layer that keeps salt out.

Tip #4 Cap it

The tried and true method is to wear a swimming cap. I find it’s best to wet hair with a drop of oil so you don’t tear it while trying to protect when you’re putting on the cap. Plus, this will protect you in case water does get in.




Photo: Pinterest