Slip-slidin’ away!


A pool slide can be a fun addition to your pool and your summer fun. There are so many different slides to choose from which one is right for your pool, yard, and enjoyment.

It’s a fairly simple installation for a slide, but the process includes some considerations regarding the depth of the pool and the footprint of the slide. The footprint is the amount of space required to install the slide legs and ladder. The slide has to be tall enough for you to plunge into the pool and not risk injury if you enter too fast. Also, each type of slide has its own weight capacity depending on height, build, and width.

Each type of slide has a water safety envelope, which acts as the entrance to the pool. Homeowners can add weight to the water safety envelope within the restriction and then gently apply pressure to avoid injuries later on.

Pool owners should consider intricate details about the design of the slide. For example, the slides come in various colors, so owners can consider a color scheme that works well with their landscaping, hardscaping and house color and decor.

Location is also something to consider when deciding on a slide. Again, anywhere the depth and height permit will work, but keep in mind you can really personalize a pool and add an exclusive touch to the look of your backyard paradise with the addition of a slide.